Sunday, April 12, 2015

Game of Thrones is back on!!!

And I'm not watching it because of homework.

In other news, I've been selected as a finalist for best recording producer at USM for the student showcase! I probably got selected because only two or three other people actually submitted work, but that's not the point. The point is I am excited and I hope I win. :)

Went home today and I brought Bria with me. I know what you are all thinking. "WHO'S WATCHING ATHENA???" Well don't worry, kids, Athena is fine. Bria's roommate watched her while we were gone. So we drive an hour and a half, hang out with my grandmother, drive around some more, get coffee, watch some TV, do some shopping, and finally my parents come home. My parents had just taken a trip to Boston for my mom's birthday. They talked about all the places they went, and the likely seats my grandparents sat in when they went to baseball games at Fenway Park. I got a T-shirt.

It's April right now, and the semester is coming to a close. The supreme busyness of school and extracurricular shit let me to not blog as much, but I'll make the conscious effort to exert more words on this jejune webpage. Perhaps it'll be more interesting in the future.


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Well darn it

Hey guys,

  This is going to be a really short post. I don't really have the time to sit and type out a really long post, but I promise that I will post one tonight! Just know that we are all alive and well !


Thursday, January 29, 2015

Do you ever just get tired of being tired? I mean, do you ever just want the world to come to a stand still so that you can just breathe?  Well that's where i'm at right now,  I'm just tired. It's more of a mental tiredness than physical. It feels like I've already been in this semester two months when in reality its only the end of the third week. All I can say is that if things don't start to easy up, its going to be a hell of a semester.

  Here is a bit of good news that came at a good time. I got the scholarship! Well, not the one I applied for, but another one that went along with the one I applied for. I found that out this morning, so that has made my life a tad bit happier. That and this picture ----->
Like how can you have a bad day when you see a picture like this?? It's pretty much impossible. 

  I am not typically the person to get down about things, I am the person who despite having a beaucoup amount of work to do all the time, still manages to be pretty content with life and just do the work. Right now, I am not that person. I honestly just want to curl up in my bed and disappear for a little while. I just want to turn off my phone and  all the people who constantly need me to do this or that. I don't want to work, I don't want to go to school, I don't even want to hang out with my friends. I just want peace, 

  Alright, I'm done laying in my self pity now.  It never gets anybody anywhere anyway (see what I did there?). It's time for me to pull myself together, stop complaining about life, and do what I need to do. I've got class from 1-5 and then I work from 5:45-10. I got this... Or at least I will pretend to. 

Fake it till you make it, right? Peace out. 


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Long time, no write.

Helloo lovely readers!

  Its Bria, obviously. Sorry for the mega lapse of posting. Christmas break came and went before I even had a chance to catch my breath, and now a new semester is once again upon us. The spring semester is always a long one, it starts off with so much homework and it ends with you basically brain dead. Not mention the drama that always seems to be so much worse than it usually is. But alas, I have made it my mission to make the very best out of it, so lets hope I do.

 Here is a very brief rundown of what I have this semester: 3 psych classes, 1 french class, 1 8 week yoga class, and 1 8 week online class. It's a total of 16 hours but thats not including the two research labs I am in, the two jobs that I work, and dealing with my ever needy dog, So as you can imagine, life is just as busy as ever, and I highly doubt that it will ever slow down again until I'm like 80 something.

 BIG NEWS! Got promoted at my job and now I am Head Lifeguard/Manager with a raise! That just happened last week, so I have been super excited for that. I am also in the process of applying for internships for the summer, so wish me luck on that, One would take me to the great state of Oklahoma, and the other would keep me here. I'm hoping for the Oklahoma one. Oh, and I get to go see BAE (Nick Jonas) in may !

 Although we have little disagreements, Will and I are at a really good place in our friendship right now and luckily so is the rest of our social circle. We all tend to have a good time no matter what we are doing. Will and I have made an agreement to write in this every week, so let's see how well we will stick with it.

  I think this pretty much wraps up my post for the day, so I will end it with adorable pictures of our huge puppy, who isn't such a puppy anymore. I hope whoever is reading this has a great rest of the week!

Peace and hair grease yo!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Remember when we used to blog on this page? It's been so long since we've done that. Anyway, here's another one for you to read---whoever you are.

Things are looking good for me and Bria. I don't necessarily mean "us" as a unit (although we are doing very well), but rather in our individual lives. I'm in hopes of getting an internship at a recording studio soon, and Bria might just be a crazy-cool manager (I'll let her give you details on that)! I've been quite busy since the semester started last week. Homework assignments and projects decided to roll in with an accelerating speed of about 200 miles per hour. Maybe it'll slow down in the weeks to come. I don't mind it, though, because I like what I'm doing. For example, the other day I recorded a band in the recording studio for a compilation record. Also, I spent a couple of hours this morning reading for my Organizational Behavior class and discovered a great article about how you should base your career choice off the lifestyle you want to live. You can read that here.

With all this being said, I apologize, frequent reader, who is actually an infrequent reader because of how little we post. The only reason I'm writing to you right now is because I found out that I have a lot of free time on Wednesdays. So knowing this, I'll probably spend a little bit of time every Wednesday to write you something new---even if it is boring. This is our blog, so you have no choice but to read what we write. >:)


Athena has gotten bigger and hella chill! But more on that later.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Will here!

Right now I'm sitting in a restaurant on campus with Landon. Usually, Bria and I would be eating lunch right about now. Instead, she is sitting in a psych study. Because of this, Bria wants me to wait for her to get out of the study so that we can eat together. I have class at 2:00, so I suppose I could wait. Not having had anything to eat while waiting in a restaurant with people eating burritos all around you is probably one of the most painful experiences known to man. It would be so easy for me to just get up and order some food... But I'm deciding to be a nice guy and wait for Bria. I don't know why I do these things.

Other than that, things are great! Last night we went to go see Like Swimming, a Swedish band. They put on a great show. Earlier that day I got to run a radio session with them and have several conversations with them. I made the mistake of asking them what their names were... Never ask Swedish people for their names. You'll never remember.

That's all the little news I got for now. Bria—hurry up. I'm dying from hunger.


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Hi again,

Yes,  I am aware that the last post was really lame... Although, I am going to try and keep this post relatively short, it won't be that short.

It appears that Will is slacking on keeping up with the blog, and you all are reduced to just hearing from me. It's totally okay though, we all know that I am the more interesting person. ;) Sorry, Will.

I know that I have said this a lot... but SO much happens in like three weeks, and there really is no way to write about all of it. I will say that a lot of really awesome things have happened in the past few weeks with me going to a conference in Virginia, and our school going on fall break. I'll let Will tell you about the exciting things going on in his life (if he ever decides to blog.)

Athena just made six months old today, and boy is she big. She got her foot caught in the leash last night and made a huge fuss about it for about 3 minutes, BTW, nothing was wrong with her, as soon as she stopped crying she jumped up and started playing with one of the neighbors' dogs. We have now dubbed her Athena the dramanic. For halloween we have the cutest little outfit for her, so stay tuned for pictures,

And now there is something I must say:

Dear Will,

 I am really sorry about the way I acted last night, I know all you wanted to do was go and enjoy a movie and I had to go and get an attitude. I'm weird, and I act out about things that I shouldn't. Thanks for always being an amazing friend (even if you are 15 minutes late) and for putting up with all of my crazy antics,

I love you with all my heart and so does Athena, even though she doesn't show it.

Forever your best friend,, Bria
P.S. I was going to say this last night, but you know, i'm weird and can't say things in person.

Peace !